The Policy targets implementation of 22000 Megawatt till 2026-2027 of which 6000 megawatt is proposed to be achieved through deployment of solar rooftop systems in residential sector and on government offices, buildings, Organisations and Industries buildings. Major initiative will be implementation of robust IEC strategy for creation of demand for installation of Solar Rooftop PV power plants in residential and non-residential sectors of the State.
As an initiative to ensure successful implementation of solar rooftops, 16 Nagar Nigam and Noida city will be developed as Solar cities. In these Solar cities, approximately 1350000 houses will be covered with solar rooftop systems during the Policy period.
In implementation of Utility Scale Solar Power Projects, a major challenge is acquiring huge contiguous parcels of land required for setting up of solar power parks. As Uttar Pradesh is an agrarian State, barren wastelands are available in Bundelkhand region of the state, in fact that is the only region of state which receives sufficient solar insolation for generation of solar power. Also, the land holdings with marginal farmers are very small.
Therefore to facilitate easy availability of contiguous land parcels, UPNEDA will prepare Land Banks of Government revenue land in Bundelkhand region. Government revenue land will be made available on lease for thirty years @Rs 1/- per acre per annum to government PSU and Joint venture companies with government PSU. Private developers will be made land available @ Rs 15000/per acre per annum for thirty years on lease. Also, declaration for change in land use from agriculture to non agriculture and permission of purchasing land more than prescribed ceiling limit of 5.058 hectares on land purchased by private project developers for setting up solar power projects will be deemed.
As majority of solar power projects, due to availability of barren and wastelands are expected to come up in Bundelkhand region of the state. Keeping this in view, the constraints of existence of the transmission system for evacuation of Power, a Green Energy Corridor capacity for evacuation of 4000 MW Power is approved for construction in Bundelkhand Region. First phase of the Green Energy Corridor of 1000 MW capacity is targeted to be completed by 27-28.
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