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Bridging our way to a greener tomorrow with glass

Asahi India Glass Ltd (AIS) is India’s leading integrated glass and windows Solutions Company and a dominant player both in the automotive and the building & construction segments. Glass is a green product by nature as it is recyclable. AIS has over the last decade championed the need for green buildings and sustainable living. With greater global emphasis on ESG and clean technology to facilitate a cleaner, healthier way to co-exist AIS believes India will be at the forefront of this movement and spearhead the global challenge against climate change. The world is going green. Faced with increasing environmental degradation, eco-friendly living is the new mantra. Naturally then, the living and work places are also transforming to reflect the green revolution. And in this transformation, glass is emerging as one of the most effective building materials.National Smart Cities Mission is an urban renewal and retrofitting program by the Government of India with the mission to develop smart cities across the country, making them citizen friendly and sustainable. This initiative of the government is a huge opportunity for glass industry, especially for those who have a good range of high performance value added glass products and integrated solutions. High performance glass is an integral part of any building in a ‘smart city’. These glass products are capable of huge energy savings, acoustic solutions, safe and serene building spaces as well as offer fire protections. Moreover, glass is a ‘green’ building material and is 100% recyclable. AIS is fully positioned to cater to this opportunity and is working closely with various bodies towards this mission. Glass is an aesthetic, adaptable, versatile, economically viable and eco-friendly material which actualizes possibilities in architecture and design that only few materials can.

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